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About This new version of the Strategy Map for Industry identifies the biggest challenges to be addressed by industry by 2022 as a result of changes in the global and domestic economic environment over the past five years. The document is an agenda f

Natural Resources and The Enviroment

Natural Resources and The Enviroment Why Natural Resources and the Environment? The lower availability of natural resources and consequent increase in their costs have made it imperative to strive for efficiency as a priority. Added to this is an inc


Taxation Why Taxation? Paying taxes is a major element of the social contract. However, the level of taxes, their assessment basis, the method used for calculating them and the obligations attached to them must be negotiated with society. The costs i


Infrastructure Why Infrastructure? OCurrent production models are specialized in value chain stages located in different regions. For the Brazilian economy to enter these value chains, investing in energy supply, transportation logistics and telecomm

International Agenda of Industry 2017

International Agenda Industry

International Agenda

International Agenda topo url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto:wght@500&display=swap'); /* Acordeon */ .acordeon-geral .panel-heading { background: #fff !important; border-left: 7px solid #225B84 !important; box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rg

DBWT - German-Brazilian Economic Meeting 2023

DBWT - German-Brazilian Economic Meeting 2023 Clique aqui para Português DBWT - German-Brazilian Economic Meeting – Edition 2023 "New approaches on energy, climate and digitalization" DBWT - German-Brazilian Economic Meeting – Edition 2023 Venue: Min

DBWT - German-Brazilian Economic Meeting 2021

DBWT - German-Brazilian Economic Meeting 2021 DBWT - German-Brazilian Economic Meeting – Edition 2021 (digital edition) The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and the Federation of German Industries (BDI) held on Monday, October 18th,


Publications Publications 2014 CNI proposals for the 2014 elections 2016 Report on Market Access Strategies: Non-litigious WTO dispute settlement mechanisms 2016 Brazil and The United States: A Roadmap to an Enhanced Economic Partnership 2017 Innovat

Climate change

Climate change topo CLIMATE CHANGE The climate change agenda has left the strictly environmental sphere and now directly influences economic competitiveness The climate change agenda has left the strictly environmental sphere and now directly influen