Financing Why Financing? An efficient financial system is essential for ensuring that capital is efficiently allocated, that is, for capital to be productive and contribute to the country’s growth. Financing plays a fundamental role in promoting the
Labor Relations
Labor Relations Why Labor Relations? The rules governing the relations between workers and employers play a key role in ensuring a functional labor market. They must be clear and easy to understand, so that companies and workers can be certain about
Innovating is developing the industry of the future: 30 innovation cases in small, medium and large enterprises
Innovating is developing the industry of the future: 30 innovation cases in small, medium and large enterprises
Innovate to Add Value 22 Innovation Cases in Micro, Small, Medium and Large-sized Enterprises
Innovate to Add Value 22 Innovation Cases in Micro, Small, Medium and Large-sized Enterprises
Internationalization Main Activities Internationalization Why Internationalization? CNI actively participates in international negotiations between economic blocks, taking part in the debate and presenting proposals and suggestions—always defending t
Publications Publications 2014 CNI proposals for the 2014 elections 2016 Report on Market Access Strategies: Non-litigious WTO dispute settlement mechanisms 2016 Brazil and The United States: A Roadmap to an Enhanced Economic Partnership 2017 Innovat
Simulator /* Deixa a imagem como um "display:block" para que a centralização funcione. Os valores de margin e padding servem para a imagem ter a mesma distância até a legenda que as classes à esquerda e à direita. Note que o estilo abaixo só funciona
Technology and Innovation Networks
Implementation of networks and technology centers to support innovation.