
Exibindo página 1 de 1 páginas encontradas (total: 9).

Industry Proposals for the 2018 Elections

Industry Proposals for the 2018 Elections

CNI proposals for the 2014 elections

CNI proposals for the 2014 elections

CNI proposals for the 2014 elections (PDF 153 KB)

CNI proposals for the 2014 elections (PDF 153 KB)

Briefing Diplomático - 17º Briefing Diplomático

Briefing Diplomático - 17º Briefing Diplomático 17º Briefing Diplomático 17th CNI Diplomatic Briefing A Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI) realizará a 17ª edição do Briefing Diplomático, na sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2022, das 10h às 11h35, na

38ª Plenária do Conselho Empresarial Brasil - Estados Unidos (Cebeu) - 38ª Plenária do Conselho Empresarial Brasil - Estados Unidos (Cebeu)

38ª Plenária do Conselho Empresarial Brasil - Estados Unidos (Cebeu) - 38ª Plenária do Conselho Empresarial Brasil - Estados Unidos (Cebeu) 38ª Plenária do Conselho Empresarial Brasil - Estados Unidos (Cebeu) 38th Plenary Session of the Brazil-United


en STRATEGIC MAP OF INDUSTRY The Strategic Map of Industry 2013/22 is the Brazilian industry vision for the country CNI PROPOSALS FOR THE 2014 ELECTIONS CNI presents 42 reports with proposals for voters and candidates in the 2014 elections .grid { wi


Publications Publications 2014 CNI proposals for the 2014 elections 2016 Report on Market Access Strategies: Non-litigious WTO dispute settlement mechanisms 2016 Brazil and The United States: A Roadmap to an Enhanced Economic Partnership 2017 Innovat


CNI’s Intellectual Property Program provides a range of materials with informations about the area.


CNI is the main organization representing Brazilian industry. Its challenge is to increase the competitiveness of Brazilian industry by influencing