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Sustainable Industry

Sustainable Industry topo Learn about the perfomance topics /* Deixa a imagem como um "display:block" para que a centralização funcione. Os valores de margin e padding servem para a imagem ter a mesma distância até a legenda que as classes à esquerda

2015 Edition - Climate Change



Natural Resources and The Enviroment

Natural Resources and The Enviroment Why Natural Resources and the Environment? The lower availability of natural resources and consequent increase in their costs have made it imperative to strive for efficiency as a priority. Added to this is an inc


About This new version of the Strategy Map for Industry identifies the biggest challenges to be addressed by industry by 2022 as a result of changes in the global and domestic economic environment over the past five years. The document is an agenda f

Industry’s vision for COP27

The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) presents in this document the observations and contributions of its industrial base to subsidize the negotiations at COP27 and the internal measures that Brazil must implement to support the coun

Pre-COP 28 Dialogue: The Role of Industry in The Climate Agenda

Pre-COP 28 Dialogue: The Role of Industry in The Climate Agenda The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry will hold the event “Pre-COP28 Dialogue: the role of industry in the climate agenda” on September 12th, 2023. The aim is to promote a pol

27th Climate Change Conference of the Parties | COP-27

27th Climate Change Conference of the Parties | COP-27 COP-27   The Climate Change Conference of the Parties has been promoted by the United Nations (UN) since 1995 and brings together leaders from virtually every country. The meeting is the large

Brazilian Industry Day - Brazilian Industry Day 2024

Brazilian Industry Day - Brazilian Industry Day 2024 Brazilian Industry Day 2024 Brazilian Industry Day 2024 A CNI realiza, em 18 de novembro, durante a 29ª Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (COP29), em Baku, no Azerbaijão, o Dia d

27ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP27) - 27ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP27)

27ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP27) - 27ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP27) 27ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP27) 27th Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) COP27  

Brazilian Industry Day - Brazilian Industry Day

Brazilian Industry Day - Brazilian Industry Day Brazilian Industry Day Brazilian Industry Day A CNI realizou, em 8 de dezembro, durante a 28ª Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (COP28), em Dubai (EAU), o Dia da Indústria Brasileira,