Japan Brazil Business Council Plenary Meeting

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24th Brazil-Japan Business Council Plenary Meeting
July 5th and 6th, 2023
Teatro SESIMINAS. Rua Padre Marinho, 60, Belo Horizonte – MG

On the 5th and 6th of July, the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry – CNI, in partnership with the Federation of Industries of Japan – Keidanren, and the support of the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais – FIEMG, will hold the 24th Brazil-Japan Business Council Plenary Meeting, at the SESIMINAS Cultural Center, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.

The purpose of the Meeting between Brazil and Japan is to bring together the business communities of the two countries and discuss initiatives to expand trade flow and investments, in addition to strengthening the bilateral cooperation in matters relevant to the relationship.

This edition the discussion during the Plenary will focus on the economic outlook of both countries, on neo-industrialization, diversification of global value chains, technological cooperation, industrial decarbonization and international cooperation for digitization and industry 4.0.
About The Council

The Brazil-Japan Business Council was established in 1974 by the Brazilian and Japanese private sectors, represented by CNI and Keidanren.

The Council is a bilateral mechanism, and its members are Brazilian and Japanese companies and business entities.

The Japanese Section of the Council is hosted by Keidanren and chaired by Mitsui's CEO. The Brazilian Section of the Council is hosted by CNI and chaired by Vale's CEO.


National Confederation of Industry - CNI 
Industrial Development Superintendence International Relations Management
Ludmila Carvalho - 
Contact: + 55 (61) 3317-9447
Ruth Fernández - 
Contact: + 55 (61) 3317-8854

Federation of Industries of Minas Gerais, FIEMG
Kellen Velloso - (31) 2118-3524





