International Actions

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In order to support the constant updating of institutional capacity and international projection, SESI, SENAI and IEL rely on a solid group of international partners. The challenge is to modernize processes, practices and methodologies in transversal themes such as:

  • Educational methodologies and technologies
  • Industrial technologies
  • Technological innovation
  • Workplace health and safety
  • Quality of life
  • Management

Lines of Action

Technical cooperation with developing countries aiming at the exchange of knowledge and technologies between SESI, SENAI and IEL and governments, international agencies and other similar institutions

Transfer of key international knowledge and technologies to the Brazilian industry in order to stregthen institutional capacity in education, technology, innovation, management and quality of life.

Outreach to Brazilian industrial companies abroad to supply the demand for consulting services in education, workplace health and safety and quality of life trough customized projects.

Our Partners

75 international partners such as:

OIT Cinterfor






