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Implementation of Vocational Training Centers

Improved infrastructure, management in technical and vocational education.

Invest in the improvement of technical and vocational training centers and networks to meet the new demands of the labor market and the industrial sector.


SENAI operates hundreds of technical and vocational training centers in Brazil and provides support to similar centers abroad by designing integrated solutions comprising infrastructure, equipment, planning and management capacities, learning resources, and capacity-building for staff.

Solutions for technical and vocational training centers and networks are tailor-made to meet the challenges of employment and social and economic development at the local and regional levels.


  • Inspection of local conditions to establish or upgrade technical and vocational training centers or networks.
  • Detailed design of architectural and engineering projects with all technical specifications.
  • Technical specification and follow-up of the installation of machinery, tools, and equipment for learning environments and logistical and administrative support areas.
  • Drafting of strategic, operational and tactical plans for technical and vocational training centers and networks.
  • Training of teams of educators, including the drafting of job descriptions, curricula, and teaching practices.
  • Theoretical and practical training of managers and administrative support staff for school units.
  • Preparation and updating of learning resources in line with the needs of each technological area.
  • Monitoring of the early cycles of implementation of training activities.


SENAI’s world class specialists are at your disposal to design effective, customized solutions for you.

Just call our specialists.

+55 (61) 3317-9010 ico-fone.png

superni@cni.com.br ico-mail.png

  • Technical and Vocational Training
  • Institutional Design and Management
  • Foresight Tools
  • Training for International Competitions
  • Inclusivity

Training of Teachers and Instructors

Training of educators and design of teaching and learning guidelines.


Preparation of Learning Materials

Creation and improvement of learning resources for technical and vocational education.


Online Educational Technologies

New technological solutions to expand access to high-quality distance learning.


Digital Teacher +

Training of educators to use new teaching and learning technologies.


Performance Assessment

Platform for large-scale assessment of technical and vocational education.


Professional Certification

Certification to hasten the qualification of industry professionals.


Empowerment of Managers in Technical and Vocational Education

Professional education and skill building in educational management.


Mobile Training Units

Mobility, range and cost reduction in technical and vocational education.


Implementation of Technical and Vocational Training Centers

Integrated solutions for technical and vocational training centers and networks.


Foresight Tools

Analysis and foresight of the labor market and trends in industrial technology as a basis for planning technical and vocational education.


Training for International Competitions

Bolstering technical and socio-emotional abilities for international skills competitions.



Inclusive technical and vocational training, promotion of diversity and gender equity at work.


Modeling of Technical and Vocational Education

High-quality technical and vocational training connected to technological innovations and changes in the world of work.

  • Research, Development and Innovation
  • Efficiency and Productivity

Strategic Alliances

Partnerships with global innovation ecosystems for highly complex projects.


Technology and Innovation Networks

Implementation of technology networks and centers for technological services and industrial technology innovation.


Engineering Projects

Highly complex engineering solutions and development of new services.


Lean Manufacturing Projects

Improved processes, increased productivity and higher energy efficiency.