What is the Compliance and Integrity Program
The Compliance and Integrity Program consists of the set of tools, procedures, standards and internal structures, whose objective is to establish parameters for the Organization to conduct its activities ethically and in accordance with current laws and regulations.
The effectiveness of the program is directly related to how all those who work at CNI, IEL/NC, SESI/DN and SENAI/DN act based on established principles and values. Therefore, they must comply with, enforce and disseminate the Compliance Program, the president and officers, employees, designated representatives of CNI, IEL/NC, SESI/DN and SENAI/DN, aligning their actions and professional attitudes that derive from the relationship with the industry, with unions, suppliers, partner institutions, the Government, the press, partnersthird parties and society in general.
Code of Ethical Conduct
The Code of Ethics is a set of guidelines that defines ethical principles and values that individuals and or organizations must abide by. It regulates common issues related to environmental, social and corporate governance practices.
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