About CNI
The National Industry Confederation (CNI) is the main representative of the Brazilian industry. It is the highest body of the industry trade union system and, since its foundation in 1938, it has defended the interests of the national industry. It also acts as the main interlocutor with the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary, besides several entities and organizations in Brazil and abroad.
It represents 27 state federations of industry and 1.280 trade unions, to which almost 700 thousand industries are affiliated. It is directly in charge of the Industrial Social Service (SESI), the National Service of Industrial Training (SENAI) and Instituto Euvaldo Lodi (IEL). Together, these three organizations form the Industry System, which yet assembles the state-level industry federations and trade unions.
Since its establishment, CNI has played a leading role in society, promoting debate and building consensus on key national issues. Especially concerning those matters that have strong influence on the development of Brazilian industry and economy.
CNI, whose headquarter is located in BrasÍlia and has a representative office in São Paulo, is recognized as a key voice at the national level, examining and presenting suggestions for the development and refinement of policies and laws that strengthen the productive sector and modernizes the country.
In addition, CNI incentivates the national industry research, innovation and technological development. Moreover, it supports initiatives that promote the self recognition, social development and professional training of the worker.
These actions are based on studies, technical researches, consultations and constant dialogues with industry federations and trade unions, national sectorial associations, forums, and business councils.
To defend and represent the industry in the promotion of a favorable environment for business, competitiveness and sustainable development in Brazil.
To be recognized as the leading business organization and main agent in the promotion of growth and competitiveness of the Brazilian industry and development of the country.
Institutional Structure
CNI's institutional structure is formed by the Council of Representatives, Presidency, Board of Directors and Audit Board. This structure has the advisory support of the National Industry Forum and the Thematic Councils.

The Brazilian industrial sector is guided by the 2018-2022 Strategy Map of Industry, which presents the main challenges Brazil must overcome in upcoming years in order to build competitive, innovative, global and sustainable industries.
The document - which was produced by CNI, with the participation of bussiness leaders from across the country - is based on international trends (such as climate change and the low-carbon economy) and national trends (such as accelerated demographic transition).
Diveded into four dimensions - two related to government policies and regulations and two to actions in companies - the map highlights 11 key factors for moving toward sustainable growth.
These key factors are broken down into priority themes and 60 objectives with their respective goals, whose scope is systematically monitorerd by the evolution of indicators.
The basis of the industry's representation system in Brazil includes 27 federations that congregate more than 1,250 unions and 350 thousand companies. Together these institutions defend the interests of the productive sector, seeking to ensure a favorable business environment for the sustainable development of the country.