The reduction in the availability of natural resources, with the consequent increase in production costs, puts the search for efficiency and effectiveness in their use in the foreground.
Added to this is the growing concern about the repercussions of economic activities on the environment and climate change. Consumers are increasingly demanding products and production processes with less impact on the environment, and the issue is gaining increasing attention from international organizations, governments, companies, and the society.

The low-carbon economy, the circular economy, and the bioeconomy, as well as the new technologies and management models related to them, are prominent on the competitiveness agenda. They represent opportunities that pave the way for the industrial sector to be part of the solution.
The sustainable use of natural resources is a predominant part of CNI's work in the mobilization of the industry and in the collaboration with the federal government, the National Congress, and other stakeholders, by promoting public policies that foster entrepreneurship and production.
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CNI is the main organization representing Brazilian industry. Its challenge is to increase the competitiveness of Brazilian industry by influencing the policy environment. To this end, it engages in policy dialogue with Congress, the federal government and the judiciary.

Customer Service
(61) 3317 9989
(61) 3317 9992
CNI - Headquarters Brasilia
SBN - Quadra 1 - Bloco C
Ed. Roberto Simonsen
Brasília - DF CEP 70040-903
(61) 3317 9000
(61) 3317 9994 (Fax)
São Paulo Office
Surubim street, 504 - Brooklin Novo
São Paulo - SP CEP 04571-050
CNI - Phone. (+55 11) 3040 3860
IEL - Phone. (+55 11) 3040 3370